
Recent Posts by Aaron Brask

The Roth Conversion Page

[alert_box style="info" close="yes"] Disclaimer: This article discusses Roth conversions. This is a topic at the nexus of financial and tax planning but does not provide and should not be construed as providing tax advice. Please contact your CPA or tax professional for guidance on tax-specific issues. [/alert_box] Background Roth conversion strategies have garnered an almost…
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The Computershare Nightmare

[alert_box style="info" close="yes"]Note: I generally do not like to speak negatively about other companies but am making an exception for Computershare. If you are here reading this article, then I suspect you already understand.[/alert_box] [hr]  Computershare: Nightmare-like service If you have ever dealt with Computershare, then you may have experienced subpar customer service. I have…
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Tax-efficiency of Charitable Giving Strategies

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs), Donor-advised funds (DAFs), and More [caption id="attachment_7610" align="aligncenter" width="500"] charitable giving[/caption] [alert_box style="info" close="yes"] Disclaimer: This article discusses charitable giving. This is a topic at the nexus of financial planning and taxes but does not provide and should not be construed as providing tax advice. Please contact your CPA or tax…
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Your Social Security Statement, XML data, and More

[caption id="attachment_7547" align="aligncenter" width="903"] Social Security[/caption] Background Social Security (SS) is often the single largest asset one has in retirement. Even for those where SS is not their primary asset, it is typically significant enough to warrant the time and effort to optimize their benefits. Unfortunately, the SS system is very complex and SS employees…
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